شركة الدعم الرئيسي

Al Ahwar Residence: The Ultimate Accommodation for Corporate Employees in Iraq

Al Ahwar Residence: The Ultimate Accommodation for Corporate Employees in Iraq


Choosing the best accommodation is an important factor when it comes to residential facilities for corporate employees in Iraq.  It’s not just about clean rooms but beyond that which can enhance your overall experience while offering comfort, convenience and a sense of security. Al Ahwar Residence in Iraq provides the best stay for corporate employees and is the only accredited facility in West Qurna II.

Why You Should Choose Al Ahwar

  1. Location And Accessibility 

Al Ahwar Commercial Camp is located in the West Qurna II field near the Lukoil complex, which gives you easy access to local locations and direct routes to the workplace. This camp meets all the needs of its guests and provides transportation facilities as well. Public transportation is also easily available from the camp, which reduces the time spent travelling. Choosing Al Ahwar optimizes your comfort and efficiency. 

  1. Residential Services And Amenities 

This residence, owned by Prime Support, gives you access to a number of amenities and services that make your stay comfortable and memorable. Al Ahwar provides you with the best accommodation in Iraq, with luxurious rooms and on-site facilities like TV, internet, and laundry services to make your stay convenient.

Apart from these standard services, we also provide amenities like a coffee shop, conference room, sports court, barbershop, clinic, Gym, and dining facility. We ensure your comfort meets convenience.

  1. Secured Environment 

Our top priority for our guests is their security. The camp provides top-notch security by including armory and muster points to keep you safe. We have a transportation facility in case you have an emergency. Reception services are available in case there is an immediate need. You will get an in-house clinic so that you don’t have to search for a doctor in any urgent circumstances. 

  1. Full Service Option For Corporations 

Al Ahwar camp can be the best option for luxury accommodation for corporate employees in Iraq. We accommodate over 500 personnel, which gives the employees a perfect stay with comfort. We ensure that you have everything you need to accomplish your corporate meetings. An in-built conference room enhances meetings and presentations, a work area provides a calm and quiet place to work effectively, and enough parking space ensures convenient and easy access to the residence. With Al Ahwar, you can ensure a stay that is comfortable and serviceable. 

  1. Employee Centric Facilities

Building a healthy environment for employees can create a positive and productive work environment, leading to increased efficiency and innovation. Hence, Al Ahwar allows you to build bonds with your co-workers while working or after work. On-site coffee shops, dining facilities, and sports court let you socialize better with your co-workers and build strong connections. The recreation area can let you enjoy relaxation and entertainment after a busy schedule. After a stressful day, one should have a peaceful environment. Therefore, employees can get professional and personal life activities blended in one place. 


Al Ahwar by Prime Support stands out as a highly versatile accommodation option in Iraq. It blends comfort and convenience to meet the needs of our guests. With modern amenities, exceptional services, and a prime location, we provide a welcoming environment for both business and leisure stays.   



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