شركة الدعم الرئيسي

Best Accommodation Facilities For International Employees In Iraq: What You Need to Know

As far as the comfort and well-being of international employees in Iraq are concerned, it is a must to ensure their accommodations. In Iraq, Prime Support provides a wide range of services to meet the unique needs of corporate and international employees. We provide a full range of hard and soft services facilities management, thereby becoming the unrivaled luxury accommodation provider.

Prime Support was able to establish itself as one of the best companies in facilities management in Iraq that is well-known for its commitment to quality standards and contract compliance. Our comprehensive portfolio of services is intended to guarantee that international employees can move smoothly into their new environment.

Hard Services Facilities Management in Iraq

The essential services provided by our hard service facilities management in Iraq entail potable water delivery, waste management, fuel supply, and pest control. In addition to these essentials we also provide preventative and corrective maintenance for critical infrastructures like power generators, electrical grids, plumbing and low-voltage systems. These services are vital so that the environment remains safe for international expatriates.

Soft Services Facilities Management in Iraq

In addition to hard services, we provide a wide range of soft services facilities management in Iraq. This includes catering for both residential as well as remote areas; housekeeping; laundries; janitorial cleanings; and pest control among others. Additionally, deep cleanings are done by our dedicated teams especially in places such as kitchens and ablution units in order to ensure a hygienic and comfortable living space.

Sustainable and Environmentally Responsible Practices

At Prime Support, sustainability and environmental responsibility are our objectives. Our waste management services also involve recycling of food waste for use as fertilizers in landscaping projects. We also ensure that all our subcontractors are properly licensed and observe strict environmental rules thus making us a responsible option when it comes to utility management in Iraq.

Tailored Accommodation Solutions

Prime Support specializes in offering luxury accommodation facilities tailored to the needs of corporate and international employees. Our services include the best housekeeping services in Iraq, landscaping, security, IT support, and the management of recreational facilities. We ensure that every aspect of the accommodation is designed to provide comfort and efficiency, making us the provider of choice for the best cleaning services in Iraq. 

24/7 Support and Rapid Response

We understand the importance of reliable support for international employees. Our unscheduled corrective maintenance services are backed by a 24/7 hotline and a fast-response maintenance crew. We’re capable of debugging lifeline systems like electric power networks, water supply lines and fire fighting systems that experience minimal downtime and maximum service life.

Focus on Health, Safety, and Efficiency

Prime Support places a strong emphasis on long-term planning, efficient communication, and the maintenance of safety and health measures. Our disciplined approach to the control and operation of systems, combined with our commitment to diversity and creativity, ensures that we deliver the highest quality facilities management services in Iraq.


For international employees relocating to Iraq, Prime Support offers the best accommodation facilities tailored to their unique needs. We ensure a comfortable, safe, and efficient living environment. Trust Prime Support provides the best services, from utility management services in Iraq to the best housekeeping services in Iraq, making us the top choice for international employee accommodations.



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خلال عام 2020 المليء بالتحديات، حققت الشركة المعايير الدولية في تحقيقها: • أيزو 9001: 2015 نظام إدارة الجودة • أيزو 14001: 2015 نظام الإدارة البيئية • أيزو 22000: 2018 نظام إدارة سلامة الأغذية • أيزو: 45001: 2018 نظام إدارة الصحة والسلامة المهنية