شركة الدعم الرئيسي

Exploring Luxury Accommodation Facilities for Corporate and International Employees in Iraq

All Inclusive Facilities Management 

The best service provider for facility management in Iraq is Prime Support. We are a well-established name, providing high-quality services, complying with the contractual obligations. We make sure that all aspects of the facility management are handled with top professionalism and attention to every detail.

الخدمات الثقيلة لإدارة المرافق

Among our key services are drinking water supply, waste management, fuel provision and pest control. Our preventive and corrective maintenance service encompasses crucial installations such as power generators, electricity grids, HVAC systems, plumbing works and low voltage systems.This comprehensive approach positions us as the leading facilities management company in Iraq. 

Sustainable and Environmentally Responsible Practices

The commitment of Prime Support to sustainability includes recycling food scraps into fertilizers for landscaping projects and observing government regulations governing waste disposal procedures by ensuring that subcontractors’ permits are current as well as their compliance with environmental provisions.

إدارة مرافق الخدمات الناعمة

We provide an extensive array of facilities management services in Iraq that contribute to a healthy and efficient work environment. These include residential and remote catering, housekeeping, laundry, janitorial services, and pest control. Our dedicated teams also handle deep cleaning in facilities such as kitchens and ablution units.

Tailored Solutions for Corporate and International Employees

Prime Support specializes in offering luxury accommodation and facilities management services in Iraq tailored to the needs of corporate and international employees. Our services include housekeeping, landscaping, security, IT support, and the management of recreational facilities, ensuring a comfortable and efficient living environment.

24/7 Support and Rapid Response

Our unscheduled corrective maintenance services are backed by a 24/7 hotline and a fast-response maintenance crew. We are equipped to troubleshoot critical systems like electrical grids, water supply, and fire suppression systems, ensuring minimal downtime and maximum service life, further solidifying our reputation as the best facility management services in Iraq.

Focus on Health, Safety, and Efficiency

شركة الدعم الرئيسي emphasizes long-term planning, efficient communication, diversity, and creativity. We maintain disciplined control of systems and ensure safety and health measures are upheld, contributing to the high-end facilities management services in Iraq  we deliver.



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إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول خدماتنا، يرجى الاتصال بـ TENDERS@PRIMESUPPORTIQ.COM لطلب كلمة مرور للوصول إلى استبياننا عبر الإنترنت. إن إكمال الاستبيان سيزودنا بالمعلومات التي نحتاجها لتقييم أفضل السبل التي يمكننا من خلالها دعم عملياتكم في العراق.

خلال عام 2020 المليء بالتحديات، حققت الشركة المعايير الدولية في تحقيقها: • أيزو 9001: 2015 نظام إدارة الجودة • أيزو 14001: 2015 نظام الإدارة البيئية • أيزو 22000: 2018 نظام إدارة سلامة الأغذية • أيزو: 45001: 2018 نظام إدارة الصحة والسلامة المهنية